Race or Care? How We Spell It Matters A Lot by Elana Stanger, L.C.S.W.


I choose to care.  How about you?  How does one show that one cares about healing racism?  When so many ingrained social and psychological patterns say we don’t care, how do we show our respect and love?  How do we make it clear?

I have been making art on issues related to cultural diversity for the last 25 years.  I have been committed to the work of healing racism with my heart, my art, and with my counseling work.  It is important to let our actions in the world reflect what’s in our hearts.  If what we want in our hearts is justice and peace, we have to let our bodies do the work of justice and peace.  This is why I make art and why I more recently became a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist.  Before I became a therapist, I was a cultural diversity consultant, trainer, and intercultural dialogue facilitator.

As a healer and artist, I feel that I am intended to continue doing the work of healing social oppression.  Lately, I am starting to think about how to do this work on a larger scale.  Please join me.  Let us work to build bonds beyond barriers of race and our other cultural identities.  As we build true relationships of respect, fairness, equality, mutuality and understanding… peace and unity will be the fruits of our labor.  It’s time to work to bring about justice, peace, and Heaven on Earth.

I’ll keep you posted on everything I’m doing to Increase the Peace…  In the meantime, here is a link to the Diversity Arts Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/Art4Unity.   There, you can see some photos of some of the work I have accomplished thus far.  As always, thanks for reading and being a part of the Great Unity.  Peace…


3 Responses

  1. Keeping it Alive and bringing awareness to once heart is the most important! !! Elana keep up the good work !!! Peace ☮ and Blessings
    Xoxo Ruth Herzlinger

  2. You’re a REMARKABLE woman! I like how you fight for what you believe in, and believe in what you fight for. Any who, If Trump becomes President, America will be forced to face racism head on. We all need to come together…so we can wipe out racism once and for all. Team work, makes the dream work!

  3. There are few efforts that are more important than this, and I am glad you have committed your beautiful talent and artistic love to healing these divisions.

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