Good Morning. This day was made for me, and you, to be happy, to give thanks, to live as one. Breathe in gratitude. Breathe in love. Breathe in unity. Time for forgiveness. Time for peace. Time for solitude. Time to come alive fully bursting with life, creativity, wholeness. Each one of us is special in our own unique way. Let us connect fully with who we are and celebrate ourselves this day and everyday. I give thanks for being able to wake up this morning, get out of bed, and witness the sunrise. I give thanks for the gentle smile that arose on my face. For an open heart, ready willing and able to love. I carry inside of me strength and energy with which to bless the world. I carry power to move mountains. I trust myself to give freely and deeply as I am respected and loved for the significant contributions I make. I love everyone. I work for unity. I work for peace. I work for justice. I believe in life. I believe in love.